Ru En
Сіздің аймағыңыз:

Moskovskaya Oblast'

Жоқ  /  Иә
Үйге және кеңсеге арналған еден төсеніштері

Кері байланыс


JUTEKS RU LLC, running business activities and in relations with business partners, adheres to high legal, ethical and moral standards, follows anti-corruption standards aimed at conducting an open and honest business, minimizing corruption, which affects the business reputation of the Company.

You can read the full text of the Anti-Corruption Policy of JUTEKS RU LLC.

JUTEKS RU LLC implements a unified mechanism for organizing the reception, consideration and resolution of applications from employees, counterparties and other individuals and legal entities regarding the activities of JUTEKS RU LLC, including about possible facts of corruption, the tasks of which are to check possible facts of corruption and development of appropriate measures to suppress corruption offenses.

You can send messages about the activities of JUTEKS RU LLC, including possible facts of corruption, to the Company by e-mail:

Information about the personal data of the authors of applications sent electronically is stored and processed by JUTEKS RU LLC in compliance with the requirements of Russian legislation.

When sending a message, you consent to the processing of my personal data in order to work on this request, in accordance with Federal Law No. 152-FZ "On Personal Data".

JUTEKS RU LLC guarantees verification of each received message, including anonymous ones, with the maximum level of confidentiality.

We also inform you about the possibility of sending requests regarding the activities of JUTEKS RU LLC, including possible facts of corruption on the part of employees of JUTEKS RU LLC and counterparties of JUTEKS RU LLC, by posting information in the feedback form on the Whispli portal.

This feedback form is intended to provide any information and is intended for an unlimited number of people.

At the same time, JUTEKS RU LLC informs that this portal is used by the BIG NV group (Belgium), part of which, on the territory of the Russian Federation, is JUTEKS RU LLC. Placing this link on the Company's website is a requirement of the BIG NV group and is not an instruction from the Company to BIG NV (Belgium).

The Company does not have access to information posted by the user on the Whispli portal.

JUTEKS RU LLC does not act as a personal data operator, does not process personal data posted by the user on the portal, in relation to information posted by the user on the portal, Federal Law 3 152 of 07/07/2006 "On Personal Data" does not apply.

The user is solely responsible for the volume and accuracy of information, including confidential and/or containing personal data, posted on the portal.

By posting information on the Whispli portal, you agree to the following:

- Personal data provided by you voluntarily

- The transfer of personal data is carried out through open communication channels of the Internet, the protection of which is not the competence of JUTEKS RU LLC

- LLC "JUTEKS RU" is not responsible for the volume and reliability of information, including confidential and / or containing personal data, posted on the portal


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