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How to choose a coating

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What you need to know about vinyl classes?
When choosing linoleum, we often hear about such a concept as “class”. What does this mean and which class of linoleum is better? We will deal with the experts of B.I.G.

How to: linoleum class or room class?

In fact, classes do not apply to floor coverings, but to rooms where these coverings will be laid.

To indicate which class of premises this or that coating is suitable for,

manufacturers supply their products with special labeling. On the packaging are two-digit digital indices - 21, 22, 33, 41, etc.

The first digit encodes the type of room, which corresponds to a specific type of coverage. “2” - residential premises, “3” - public, “4” - industrial.

In the second - the degree of intensity of use. From low - “1” to very high - “4”.


Classification of premises

The generally accepted European classification - both for linoleum and other floor coverings - divides them according to their suitability for laying in rooms with varying degrees of floor load.


On a note! The flooring for a room with a high class can be laid in rooms with a lower class. For example, class 32 linoleum can be used indoors in a class below. Thus, the FORUM and ULTRA collections are perfect for home, especially if the family has children who like to play cars, or big dogs.



Classification of linoleum types

In addition to the class of the room where the coating is mounted, linoleum manufacturers use an additional classification.

It is based on the thickness of the protective layer - transparency. It is he who is responsible for the wear resistance and abrasion of linoleum.

Depending on the thickness of the transparency, the following types of linoleum are distinguished - household, semi-commercial (or “easy commerce”) and commercial.

On a note! It is quite difficult to visually distinguish household linoleum from commercial. Therefore, before buying, study the characteristics on the manufacturer’s website or consult with the seller to know exactly whether you chose the linoleum that you wanted.


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Household linoleum

Transparency thickness - up to 0.4 mm.

Where it is used - premises of classes 21, 22, 23 (residential) and 31 (public with low load intensity).

In the household linoleum segment, B.I.G. offers a wide range - from high-end products to budget options.

Among the latter, it is worth highlighting the FLASH collection for class 21 rooms with a wide variety of designs and the HOLIDAY collection for class 23 with a deep embossed pattern.

The so-called improved household linoleum deserves special attention. In it, the transparent layer is increased to 0.3-0.4 mm. Thanks to which it is allowed to be placed in rooms up to 32 class. And when used in residential premises of 21-23 classes, it will have a longer service life.

Collections on the duplicated basis - FORUM, ULTRA and GLORY are considered the favorite for sales among improved household linoleum. They are distinguished by a beautiful pattern with a “living structure” imitating natural materials, as well as comfort, good heat and noise insulation and high resistance to temperature extremes.

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 Design ARES 4

Semi-commercial linoleum, or "easy commerce"

The thickness of the transparency is from 0.4 to 0.6 mm inclusive.

Where used - public and office premises of 31–33 classes, as well as industrial premises of 41 classes.

Semi-commercial linoleum is characterized by increased density due to the special formulation of the raw materials used, as well as good abrasion resistance due to the increased thickness of the transparent layer.

Since products of the “easy commerce” category can be used in preschool educational premises, special “children's” designs with funny cartoon drawings were created - the VECTOR PROFI brand collection.

As for shopping and business centers, a collection of semi-commercial SIRIUS linoleum with PVC chips that create a flicker effect has been specially developed for them.


Design VENETTO 2

Commercial linoleum

Transparency thickness - from 0.7 mm and above.

Where used - 34 class public and office premises and production rooms of classes 41, 42, 43.

Its main features are high material density, transparency thickness and a wide variety of products for the specific needs of industrial premises. Thanks to this, commercial linoleum is suitable for different types of premises: from medical institutions to industrial workshops for the assembly of heavy equipment.

On a note! The perception of "the thicker the more reliable" is erroneous. For example, household linoleum reaches a thickness of 4.8 mm, while commercial linoleum with a protective layer of 0.7 mm has a total thickness of only 2 mm. However, it is the protective layer that ensures the resistance of linoleum to abrasion, therefore for public and industrial premises a thinner commercial linoleum with thick transparency will be a more reliable solution than a thick household one.

Among commercial coating options, linoleum with antistatic properties is found - it is in demand for laying in rooms with sensitive electronic equipment. In addition, there are products for rooms with high acoustic requirements, linoleum for sports facilities and vehicles.

An additional important property of products for the commercial and semi-commercial segments is the fire hazard level of linoleum. So, the collections PREMIUM (class 43 of premises) and PREMIUM AS are linoleum with a high fire safety class KM2.

What is the fire safety class of a coating?

Floor coverings are tested according to 4 parameters - smoke formation, flame spread, flammability and toxicity.

According to the test results, linoleum is assigned classes KM2, KM3, KM4, KM5.

Of all the classes, KM2 is separately distinguished. The presence of this characteristic is especially important for public and industrial premises. For residential, this is not considered critical.

To summarize

1. Classes do not apply to flooring, but to rooms.

2. The class of the room is indicated by a two-digit digital index, where the first digit is the type of room, the second is the degree of intensity of use.

3. Linoleum, in turn, depending on the thickness of the protective layer is divided into household, light commerce and commercial.

4. In order to choose the right coating, it is important to choose not the class of linoleum, as it is mistakenly believed, but the class of the room, and only then determine your requirements for the properties and behavior of the product during operation.

How to choose vinyl: myths and reality
There are no floor coverings that are as misleading as linoleum.

In this article, together with the experts of the company B. I. G., we will look at the most common of them and find out which linoleum to choose so that it will last for more than one year.

Myth 1. Wears out quickly

When choosing a floor covering, it is important to find the right balance in the coordinate system "purpose-characteristics".

If you put linoleum in a room with an intense load on the floor covering for rooms with a low load (bedrooms, offices, dressing rooms), then, of course, it has all the chances to fail and wear out prematurely.

If you correctly evaluate the class of the room, the features of its use and then choose the appropriate linoleum, it will last at least the manufacturer's stated service life.

In addition, you need to remember that any floor covering is demanding to the quality of the base on which it is laid.

It should be smooth, dry, firm and clean. Otherwise, the laid linoleum will repeat all the contours of defects-pits and bumps. In such places, there will be an increased load during operation. And, consequently, the linoleum will fail before the due date.

Myth 2. Rotting

Modern linoleum does not contain components that are subject to rot. Its upper part is made of polymer materials, while the lower part uses foamed polymers or a duplicated base that combines a foamed base and non-woven polyester. Both of these materials are inert to moisture.

However, due to the fact that linoleum does not absorb and does not pass moisture, it is extremely important to lay it on a dry base. Otherwise, water locked under a sealed coating will create a favorable environment for the formation of fungus.

Myth 3. The thicker, the longer it is

Linoleum does not directly depend on the service life of the total thickness of the product. The service life is mainly affected by the thickness of the protective layer — the transparency, but it is difficult to assess visually.

In the most durable commercial linoleum samples, the transparency reaches 0.7 mm or more, with a total coating thickness of only 2 mm. While household linoleum has a transparency of 0.2-0.4 mm with a total thickness of 1.5 to 5 mm.

The thickness of linoleum is a characteristic that has a greater impact on comfort, sound and thermal insulation.

So, if you are interested in walking comfort, choose collections with a thickness of 3 mm and higher, designed for rooms from 21 to 32 classes. For example, Glory or Forum. This linoleum will also serve as an additional barrier from the noise of neighbors and the cold of concrete floors in rooms that are not equipped with a warm floor.
Design CORTE 1 

Myth 4. Deteriorates from heels, furniture legs, animal claws

There are many types of high strength linoleum. They perfectly withstand heavy and regular loads.

If the question is - which linoleum is better for an apartment where large pets live, the owners prefer to walk in slippers with heels, and the furniture stands on thin legs, then it is better to choose dense linoleum with a small thickness of 2-2.5 mm with a room class of 23 and higher. For example, the Ultimate and Strong Plus collections.

For those who are interested in the balance of strength and comfort, there are options on a foam and duplicated base with a thickness of 2.5–3 mm. For example, the Voyageand Megapolis collection.

Read more about room classes in the article - What you need to know about linoleum classes?

Design SUOMI 2

Myth 5. Not suitable for Underfloor heating

This is not true. Linoleum is allowed to be used in conjunction with warm floors. But it is important to consider two requirements.

· the heating system must be sunk into the screed, as the linoleum is attached to the base with glue;

· the temperature at the junction of the floor covering and the base must not exceed +27 °C.

Design YORICK 3 

Myth 6. PVC chips fall out or are trampled

Some linoleum collections, such as Sirius from light Commerce, use special PVC chips that create a flickering effect.

The production technology of such linoleum looks like this. After applying a transparent layer, before it solidifies, polymer particles are poured on it — the same PVC chips. They are not glued on top, and, crumbling, are immersed in a transparent and securely sealed inside.

As a result, it is impossible to extract chips from the transparency layer during normal operation of the floor covering.

Design SONATA 1 

Myth 7. Smells bad

This is one of the most popular stereotypes, and it is absolutely not relevant for modern coverage.

Today, the production of good linoleum is an environmentally safe process. B. I. G. has the highest requirements for both raw materials and the production process itself. Every year, the plant conducts an independent environmental assessment, which results in the company receiving a certificate of environmental safety.
In addition, all products of the B. I. G. plant undergo a voluntary sanitary and epidemiological examination, where, among other things, it is checked for the possibility of releasing various harmful fumes and odors. Therefore, the products are completely safe both for the environment and for humans.
Linoleum itself is still at the factory with a separate procedure to get rid of possible unpleasant odors. To do this, linoleum is heated in an oven to 200 0C, removing from it all volatile compounds that can evaporate into the surrounding atmosphere. And the smell in the room where repairs are being carried out can come from new furniture; wall coverings; floor bases, if the process of preparing the base is violated; glue for gluing the floor covering, if the technology of gluing is violated.

Especially for rooms that have high hygienic and sanitary requirements, there are options for linoleum with an antibacterial coating.

Myth 8. Not suitable for large rooms

The days when linoleum was only in the format of rolls 3 meters wide are long gone.

In the assortment of the company B. I. G. you can find rolls of different widths - from 1.5 to 5 meters. At the same time, the unique large-format collections of Pietro, Supreme and Stars have no analogues in the world. This size ensures quick installation and a minimum number of joints. At the moment, there are no analogues on the market.



1. Modern linoleum is a high-quality finishing material that has nothing in common with the coating, which has been the subject of many myths since Soviet times.
2.Before you start choosing, you need to decide what exactly you want to get from the future floor covering (comfort when walking barefoot, durability under any loads, etc.), where it will be used and how intensively. With this information, sales consultants will be able to offer you the most suitable options.
3. to independently understand what kind of linoleum will fit your requirements, you need to study the official information from manufacturers and rely on the recommendations of experts on floor coverings. Or see our recommendations for suitable collections for different rooms here.

What to choose: ceramic tiles or vinyl?

The kitchen, hallway and hallway are the spaces where the floor is most stressed. Here often and in large quantities all households go, liquids are constantly spilled, dirt is brought in from the street and more often than anywhere else, wet cleaning is carried out.
Therefore, those who choose a coating for these areas regularly have questions — "Which is better: linoleum or tile?" and "Is tile really more reliable than linoleum?".

In this article, we will take a detailed look at all aspects of both floor coverings.
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Formally, ceramic tiles are considered a more durable coating than linoleum. And first of all, this applies to static loads. Ceramics do not deform and do not protrude under heavy furniture.

But such strength turns into problems of another property. Tile is a relatively fragile material that is afraid of dynamic loads in the form of shock effects from solid objects. Simply put, a hammer that accidentally falls on a tile is likely to break it or at least leave a noticeable chip.

Linoleum in this regard has mirror reverse properties. Due to the fact that the coating is softer, nothing terrible will happen, even if something heavy falls on it. Moreover, if you drop a porcelain mug or plate on the linoleum, it will remain intact. Tiles can not boast of the same-chips and cracks, at least, will be provided.

But linoleum is sensitive to the effects of furniture: a chair with thin legs, a family chest of drawers or a heavy wardrobe can leave traces. However, there is a solution: put felt or cork stands under the furniture, and put rubber pads on the legs of tables and chairs.

Expert advice!
If the coating primarily requires resistance to furniture on legs, heels and large pets, then all dense household coatings for rooms of class 23-31 and semi-commercial/commercial coatings of classes 31-43 are suitable. For example, the collections RespectVectorSiriusStrong plusPremium
Linoleum is stiffer to the touch, the harder it is bent, the better it resists the pressure from furniture and high heels. But at the same time, the coating will be worse in terms of comfort, heat and noise insulation.
If the balance between strength and comfort is important, then it is recommended to choose from the collections of ForumUltraGloryGlamour.

Wear resistance and durability

Ceramic tiles are deservedly considered a material that is resistant to abrasion. Constant shuffling of feet in shoes is not a problem for high-quality tiles.

However, modern linoleum is not inferior to it in this indicator.
Basic linoleum collections are able to maintain their appearance for 10 years, not to mention semi-commercial and commercial. Provided that the coating corresponds to the class of the room.

For example, the service life of linoleum from the Forum collection is 15 years.

On a note! Corridors, kitchens and hallways belong to class 23-residential areas with high intensity of use. Learn more about room classes in the article " What you need to know about linoleum classes?»

Therefore, the opinion that linoleum is not for long, preserved since Soviet times, is nothing more than a household myth, nor has anything to do with modern material.
Moisture resistance

Moisture resistance

From the point of view of resistance to moisture tiles linoleum ahead. She is not afraid of either a spilled bucket or the bay of neighbors. Linoleum in this aspect indicators are slightly lower. If this coating is not fixed with glue, as required by the installation technology, then with prolonged contact with water, there is a possibility of moisture penetration under it and as a result, the linoleum may swell.
You can avoid this by following the recommendations for laying, and go through the "sealant" around the perimeter of the coating for additional protection.
If we talk about regular wet cleaning or accidentally spilled tea, then here both coatings have parity. Short contact with water will not harm the linoleum in any way.
Expert advice!
There is an opinion that coloring liquids (wine or cherry juice) leave stains on linoleum. This is not true. It is enough to wipe the surface with ordinary alcohol to completely remove traces of contamination.

Sound insulation

In this aspect, linoleum clearly wins over ceramics. This is not surprising, since ceramics, being a solid material, perfectly conducts sound. Any movement in shoes with thick soles or on "studs" in the corridor or hallway on the tiles can be heard not only inside the room, but also on the floor above or below.

While the elastic and elastic linoleum even the minimum thickness is good dampens sound waves. And if you lay thick linoleum on a duplicated base, combining a foam base and a non-woven polyester, for example, from the Glory collection, then your neighbors will no longer be able to reproach you for walking too loudly around the apartment.

Thermal insulation

Anyone who has ever walked barefoot on linoleum will confirm that this coating is perceived as warm. While the tiles on the floor, not equipped with a heating system, remains cold at any time of the year.

Therefore, when laying linoleum in the kitchen or corridor, it is quite possible to do without installing underfloor heating and still get a temperature-comfortable coating. But with tiles, you can achieve the same effect only with an additional heat source.

Transportation, installation and repair

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From the point of view of transportation, each material has its own pros and cons.

The tile is easier to place in the trunk, as it is packed in small bundles. However, this material is much heavier than linoleum (if you compare the required amount for the same area), and transportation to the car will take longer, especially by one person. For large rooms, a full batch of tiles can pull several hundredweight.
In addition, the tile can crack on the way, if the car bounces on a bump or gets a wheel in a hole.
Linoleum is lighter, one person can handle transportation, but you need to make sure in advance that the cut of the desired length will fit in a car.

As for laying, linoleum is the leader here. To cover the room, it is enough to let the roll rest for 24 hours at room temperature, then roll it out, cut it to size and glue it to the base.

Comfort when walking

Tile is a hard surface that is not very comfortable to walk on.
Linoleum in this regard is much more convenient. Due to its elasticity, it absorbs when walking, causing pleasant sensations.

In addition, an extremely important aspect of comfort is the safety of households on a wet floor. The wet tile turns into a natural ice rink, on which it is easy to slip with a high risk of injury when falling. Linoleum in this regard is safer, since in a similar situation it does not lose its grip properties, and it is more difficult to slip on it. This is especially important if there are children or elderly people in the house.


Care of the coating
Both tile and linoleum are extremely unpretentious in care. Regular washing with non-aggressive household chemicals is enough.
But there is a caveat. Tiles require more frequent cleaning due to the textured surface with a large number of seams, which quickly accumulate dirt.

Expert advice!
Linoleum with a living wood structure should be washed along the fibers. Then the dirt will be easily washed out of the relief veins of the coating.


The variety of designs of both linoleum and ceramic tiles is very wide today and is able to satisfy even the most demanding taste.

Among the collections of tiles, you can even find a design "under the tree". But linoleum manufacturers also provided for the taste preferences of customers and developed stunningly realistic designs "under the tile". For example, in the RECORDULTRAMAGNIT collections. Such a floor looks like a tile, and in terms of comfort and laying it is much easier and more pleasant.


Design Eliza 1

Let's sum up the results

The final choice, what is better in the kitchen and in the corridor-tile or linoleum, of course, is yours. Approach this issue with the utmost seriousness. The floor is very important, because we walk on it every day, which means it should be comfortable and beautiful, while delivering a minimum of trouble.

The RAMBOL design by JUTEKS is an innovation in the world of floor coverings.
Do you want to connect both tiles and wood on the floor, but are you afraid of difficulties with laying? We understand you.
Figuratively prune the tile without chipping and combine it with laminate is quite a difficult task. And these "thresholds" that inevitably form at the junction? They seriously spoil the appearance.


But now we have RAMBOL – a unique solution for a fashionable combination of "tile + wood" without difficulties with laying and care. And we are proud to present it to you: a design that combines wooden slats and Florentine tiles. The tile is "laid" in a straight line, and the tree is in a diagonal, which additionally visually increases the space, revealing all the beauty of your home.
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  • You no longer need to involve specialists to lay tiles and laminate, and then perform high-quality joints. Repairs become cheaper, the family budget does not suffer.
  • There are no problems with choosing combinations of two different coatings – in our design, tiles and wood are perfectly combined in color.
  • The purchase and delivery of floor coverings are becoming more convenient and cheaper.
  • With one canvas, you effectively create two harmoniously combined zones.
  • You get rid of an ugly "threshold" at the junction of two floor coverings.
  • Where will the advantages of RAMBOLL be revealed as much as possible?

    The novelty is ideal, first of all, for the kitchen. We have thought out the design in such a way that the part with tiles is effectively located along the set (its area is already calculated taking into account the standard dimensions of furniture), and the board part of the design is in the dining area. In the canvas, this ratio looks like 30% - tile, 70% - wood.
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    RAMBOL is a real find for owners of studio apartments and apartments with European planning. In them, the space of the kitchen and living room is combined, and the room becomes very multifunctional. Zoning is simply necessary for such premises!
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    The new linoleum will also look spectacular in the hallway, separating the entrance area from the living area.

      And how to "extend" the design if the room turned out to be larger than the width of the linoleum?

    We have provided for everything. To capture the neighboring rooms with a single solution, simply turn the roll 180 degrees and connect the tree with the tree or, conversely, the tile with the tile.

    What to choose from?

    The new RAMBOL design, which has no analogues in Russia, is presented in the FORUM and GLAMOUR collections of the JUTEKS brand.

    FORUM is a reinforced household linoleum on a carbon substrate made of polyester, resistant to temperature changes.

    GLAMOUR is also a reinforced household, but on a foam basis, with high resistance to moisture.

    Both collections have an additional coating with PU PROTECTION varnish, which makes care easy and pleasant, and the service life of the coating is significantly increased.
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    Our designers were inspired by the latest trends in interior fashion and developed a solution that will fit seamlessly into popular styles: scandinavian, modern, minimalism. Therefore, RAMBOL is presented in three of the most trending colors:
         RAMBOL 1  is a monochrome gray Florentine tile and a diagonal  white wooden art bar. The color scheme is at the peak of fashion! 

  is a light gray board and a gray-blue combination of tiles. This is a neutral combination that allows linoleum to "adapt" to any interior.
RAMBOL 3 is an incredibly popular combination of cold and warm shades of brown and blue.

We have also provided the possibility of choosing widths!
    The RAMBOL 3 from the FORUM collection is available in three widths: 3 m, 3.5 m and 4 m.

    RAMBOL 1 and RAMBOL 2 from the GLAMOUR collection are presented in a width of 4 meters.

    RAMBOL is really an innovation in the world of vinyl and it was created especially for you. So that the renovation of the house brings only joy and does not spend the budget and effort.

    RAMBOL is an ideal solution for those who need to solve the problem of zoning a room quickly, simply, beautifully and not expensive.

Benefits of vinyl over hardwood flooring.






  • Absolute moisture resistance - linoleum is not affected by water.
  • Comfort - linoleum offers good cushioning when walking.
  • Warmth - linoleum is great to walk barefoot on.
  • Quiet - your housemates will not hear your steps.
  • Dimensional stability - linoleum does not begin to creak over time with changes in humidity and it is not a cracking material.
  • Quick and easy installation - does not require special skills.
  • Ease of care - linoleum does not require custom cleaning products nor deteriorates from water.



  • Slip resistance - your family members will not slip on freshly washed linoleum.
  • Comfort - linoleum offers good cushioning when walking.
  • Warmth - linoleum is an inherently warm material and it does not require installation of the “warm floor” system underneath.
  • Quiet — if a cup falls on the linoleum flooring, it is unlikely to break and it will not chip off a piece of ceramic tile, which is almost impossible to replace afterwards.
  • Quick and easy installation - does not require special skills.
  • Ease of care and hygienic properties - linoleum flooring requires less time to clean, because it has no seams where dirt and bacteria accumulate.



  • Ease of care - does not require the services of professional cleaning companies with specialized equipment.
  • Dirt resistance - this type of flooring is less demanding on a multi-stage and expensive dirt protection system.
  • Wear resistance - heterogeneous products are always assigned the highest abrasion group rating (T) according to EN 649.
  • Variety of designs - there are wood patterns, tiles, fantasy and abstract designs, and many other options. The choice of designs for homogeneous linoleum is limited to marble patterns, “crumbs”, and one-color options.


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  • Affordable price - the cost of natural linoleum flooring is significantly higher than that of heterogeneous products.
  • Ease of installation - you can lay heterogeneous linoleum flooring on your own without involving a team of professional installers or worrying that linoleum will dry out and start to break.
  • Variety of designs - there are wood patterns, tiles, fantasy and abstract designs, and many other options; the choice of designs for natural linoleum is limited to marble patterns, “crumbs”, and a few abstract options.



  • Affordable price - the cost of vinyl tiles (especially with a click and lock system) is significantly higher than that of heterogeneous linoleum.
  • Quick and easy installation - does not require special skills.
  • Comfort - linoleum offers good cushioning when walking. Most vinyl tiles are thinner and stiffer than popular types of heterogeneous linoleum.
  • Variety of designs — heterogeneous linoleum designs may suit every taste and any interior; they range from wood patterns of different sizes and textures to palace parquet, tiles, fantasy and abstract designs. With proper installation skills and a creative vision, it is possible to compose beautiful geometric designs from individual LVT planks, but not palace parquet or fantasy abstractions.


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